Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dry Mouth Sleeping Night

Photos Show

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How To Get The Flam Out Of A Baby Throat

Agriculture 2010 Draft Day Poster of May 6, 2010 The

Day organized by the Committee Madagascar

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Lic Money Plus Growth Ststus

Bagotière: Creating a BTS services in rural areas - The Moutiers-en-Cinglais

The General Assembly of the family home held Friday, January 21, 2010 in the presence of Guilleux Remy, president of the Education Department to the National Union of Family Associations (UNAF).

The family house as 219 pupils including 18 BTS 201 in continuing education and training, the 4th in Bac pro, through the Agricultural Vocational Qualification (CAPA). Good results

Jacques Devaux, Secretary, presented the activity report: "The good exam results, 83% success rate and the rate of integration of young people, 92%, show that quality work is performed throughout the year. "

Priorities 2010
Jean-Claude Francois, the president, presented the main lines of work for this year: the construction of a gym and the development of the site of Moutiers two new buildings and the establishment of new courses including a BTS services in rural areas.

Young on the screen, step parents
The 2nd part of this meeting was devoted to a roundtable on the theme "Youth on the screen, parents on edge! . "It's a social phenomenon and an issue for both young families," said Jean-Claude Francoise. Students BTS Services presented the results of a survey on the use of Internet and mobile phone. "The Teens spend an average of 5 h 30 per day on the Internet and send about 100 text messages daily, "they said. These figures have prompted a debate on the rational use of these communication tools.

How Do I Write Maricopa County Jail?

prototype displays for the day gathering organized by the Committee Madagascar

Directed by students of BTS Services in Rural Areas

Moh Uae Dental Exam Model Paper

Draft Day Poster of May 6, 2010 directed by Stephanie Gournay student BTS SER

Day organized by the Commission Madagascar

How To Clean A Maytag Quiet Series 400

BTS SER - Promotion 2009-2011 The

Can Gonorrhea Cause Leg Pain

The professional contract, a springboard for the job!

We have to integrate training BTS Services in Rural Area professional contract.

Here is some information on the contract of professionalization professionalization
The contract is a contract of employment which involves alternating periods of training during working hours and the simulation work in a company.

The professional contract is for youth ages 16 to 25 years older job seekers 26 years and older and recipients of certain benefits or contracts.
recipients aged 16 to 25 percent are paid the minimum wage according to their age and level of training, employees aged 26 and over receive a remuneration which can be less than the minimum wage or 85% of minimum wage conventional.
His goal is to enable them to acquire professional qualifications and promote their vocational integration or reintegration.

We hired a real job search to find our professional contracts. Each of us has found the employer who matched his career plans: I work in a radiology center in a clinical Navy in a tourist office, Stephanie and Anaick in a Rural Family House, a Theatre in Charlotte and Anne-Charlotte in a recreation center.

training enhances the action-learning approach by combining: theoretical contributions, development status, visits, practical case studies, oral presentations, group work and self-study.


Less Noise Mixer Grinder

Europe Week

The Europe we speak!

rural family home in La Bagotière organized a week in Europe February 22 to February 26, 2010.

This week has been punctuated by three important points: First
Miss Ludivine Lemperriere Regional Council intervened with the BUS EUROPE to educate young people to cultural difference in Europe.

Then throughout week classes BEPA Personal and Home Secretary have prepared panels presenting the 27 countries of the European Union. These panels were presented by young people on Friday 26 February 2010.

During this exchange, Ms. Delphine Baudry CREAN representative spoke on the European mobility, and an Italian student Miss Roberta Sapina expressed his experience through ERASMUS.

Following this exchange, a convivial meal was held followed by a tour of the premises of the LIM .

This week has been rewarding and has given rise to desire to travel in our youth.