Sunday, October 31, 2010
Kristal Summers Thanksgiving
I never saw it coming! I went to Latvia with Sylvain to finish the work started in February 2009, I returned yesterday afternoon and now it is autumn.
The rain this weekend and the cold of the night stopped the strawberries. I dread that moment. It takes an infinite time to mature. It remains in the gardens of grapes, wine grape and a final set of apples. I hope
distribute another 10 to 15 days.
I thank Stephanie and Yann, and all who came amapiens help while I was doing the amap in Latvia with Sylvain. I remind you that we had begun swarming over there mandated by the International Association Urgenci. Mission accomplished: 3 amap in road and pair of reviewers for the spin! It gave me a little taste of the holidays! But it is not finished in the gardens. Is everything back in order for the winter.
I also wanted to thank everyone who rallied around Foratge and Bertin. I'm on my computer all the workshops and advanced .... I am even more convinced by our concept amap. So many supporters, actions. For my part, the efforts we've made just after the flooding, helped to complete the harvest apple tree.
I just fill in the MSA record on this. Records disasters must be returned before Oct. 18. Very good and
beautiful fall.
Poptropca Pot 2 Toplay
letter No. 10 No. 9 No. 6
balances and figures
He must be! Figures to be compared with the feeling! Balances for open discussions, to calm his fears, gain courage! In any case, I need to pause on picture to give me the impetus for the new season: Fall is right. The first of the new year is fast and there is a signal of the new season too! The first rotation is planted to tomato January 15.
* The evaluations tell us about your feelings of the season. They must bring their response rates. 67% of you are bound to this task, I thank them. Of these 67%, 5.5% did not intend to renew the contract for the 2011 season. 35% of them were personally affected by the floods! Strawberries are excellent with 76.4% felt, tomatoes, grapes, figs to 48.6%! 52.7% were too tomatillos and 66.6% not enough fishing. 11% find melons and 6.9% bad apples. If you encrypt other interest, they are available.
* Over the distributions, I found that some products remain as we have taken time to cultivate and harvest them! I think setting up a crate exchange: a cage into which I put on some crops and in which you use it and put what you do not want. This way you can balance your preferences.
* Compared to the same contract prices (2010 = 107contrats, contracts in 2009 = 112)
fruits appear! With diversity of figs, 2kg per contract, but greengage, apricot, raspberry.
* In financial terms, the estimate was given, both in terms of investments than expenses. My income has been up to what we had hoped. The only costs are overflow caused by flooding. They are currently 1000 euros. I anticipate at least another 700 euros this winter for restoration of the second plot. The AMAP in Dracénie gave me a check for 500 euros. I refused the gift of Colibri 83 which collects donations of amap. I think much more affected farmers most in need. Anyway, thank you from my heart. We were able to realize this concept as amap exceeds the contract.
* In terms of working time, the goal was to reduce my workload in the most difficult months (March-July). The result is not satisfactory in the sense that for a little under the contract, the overall working time is almost the same! There was flooding in a busy period took about 100 hours all confused. An intern this season has been a relief on the work of 'heavy'! The season has been condensed and despite my desire to spread best work, the difficult months could not be alleviated. It's good that limit them with their workload than the number of contracts.
time distribution of Isabelle is not taken into account and corresponds to about 6.5h per week! On the season, about 156h.
* From September to September rainfall an idea! And hence the constraints for our cultures and our bodies! I give you examples of two other years. You understand that the work and the requirements are different and that it will not just happen to go from one to the other! When I began to understand the drought and its requirements, that we are going in the other extreme.
September 2009 to August 2010, he fell on Peissonnel 1129mm of water with 316 in June / / on my terrace in the village in 1061
September 2008 to August 2009, he fell on Peissonnel 1096mm water with 9.5 in June / / on my terrace in the village in 1146
September 2005 to August 2006, he fell on Peissonnel 497mm water with 1 in June / / on my terrace in the village 475
* This season has been tough! One for 7 years has given many satisfactions: 2006. It started easily even if it was less than 2009. The drainage system has raised some fisheries, but also has a good annual shoot, which will start a beautiful 2011. That means there will be a bit more in the trash the next season if I get my treatments well and the gel is not too early. This season, I have not lit the candles in peach. The manufacturing plant was a success and help diversify the work Stephanie and take refuge in the shelter when it gets too cold or too wet! melon crops were difficult at first and second rotation. I chose the earliest variety, but have exploded! Perhaps too much water! Quality has not always been at the rendezvous. Melons in custody, call melons keep all those varieties that improve after harvest: Ball Gold, White Antibes, Canary, Olive Green, Turkish, etc. ... it is hard to put yourself for distribution a lot of the same age! You must learn the right time of tasting! Sometimes it must be consumed within days and you can wait another 10 or even 20 days!! The secret is good look and ask if this is the time to delight the taste buds. This is also why it appears to defaults on the quality of melons. When the squash on St. John, I remind you that I am 'guardian' of this variety. And it is imperative to continue to seed. I grow one type of squash, there are no crosses in my garden for squash. And suddenly I make you enjoy! The fig, Peissonnel, finally, those who survived (they are next to the peach and have suffered the same fate) welcomed me in their diversity. Two varieties seem very interesting for drying. Finally, part of my project seems to have some chance of success! I mean the use of multi greenhouse to dry fruit. Well there is not the quantity! the first apple crop of beautiful parcel of Peissonnel also offers hope to extend the distribution period. What great opportunities to give me courage! I was given this seventh season as a turning point for the life of my farm. I am happy, excited and so happy that my utopia seems to be true! Thank you from my heart for your support, your perseverance, your confidence. You come with me every day in this great task that is to harvest the food that the earth offers us.
* With the season ending, it's also new is coming. The work is to achieve less in a hurry, but we must be vigilant to still make it happen! For example: move a piece of electric fence because in the current situation, maintenance is difficult and I waste time! or now that I've finally been able to upgrade the well water supply, install the fence all around! All the stuff is there waiting! Or improve ditches so that water flows better. Or change the claws worn down to the frame, prune the trees along the roads and crops, etc ... and then I bought used a greenhouse, I have to disassemble before November 30 and back to Rondin . Therefore I prepare the place. Etc. ...
Then it is also the time when I can take a little time for myself! And that's really good!
balances and figures
He must be! Figures to be compared with the feeling! Balances for open discussions, to calm his fears, gain courage! In any case, I need to pause on picture to give me the impetus for the new season: Fall is right. The first of the new year is fast and there is a signal of the new season too! The first rotation is planted to tomato January 15.
* The evaluations tell us about your feelings of the season. They must bring their response rates. 67% of you are bound to this task, I thank them. Of these 67%, 5.5% did not intend to renew the contract for the 2011 season. 35% of them were personally affected by the floods! Strawberries are excellent with 76.4% felt, tomatoes, grapes, figs to 48.6%! 52.7% were too tomatillos and 66.6% not enough fishing. 11% find melons and 6.9% bad apples. If you encrypt other interest, they are available.
* Over the distributions, I found that some products remain as we have taken time to cultivate and harvest them! I think setting up a crate exchange: a cage into which I put on some crops and in which you use it and put what you do not want. This way you can balance your preferences.
* Compared to the same contract prices (2010 = 107contrats, contracts in 2009 = 112)
fruits appear! With diversity of figs, 2kg per contract, but greengage, apricot, raspberry.
* In financial terms, the estimate was given, both in terms of investments than expenses. My income has been up to what we had hoped. The only costs are overflow caused by flooding. They are currently 1000 euros. I anticipate at least another 700 euros this winter for restoration of the second plot. The AMAP in Dracénie gave me a check for 500 euros. I refused the gift of Colibri 83 which collects donations of amap. I think much more affected farmers most in need. Anyway, thank you from my heart. We were able to realize this concept as amap exceeds the contract.
* In terms of working time, the goal was to reduce my workload in the most difficult months (March-July). The result is not satisfactory in the sense that for a little under the contract, the overall working time is almost the same! There was flooding in a busy period took about 100 hours all confused. An intern this season has been a relief on the work of 'heavy'! The season has been condensed and despite my desire to spread best work, the difficult months could not be alleviated. It's good that limit them with their workload than the number of contracts.
time distribution of Isabelle is not taken into account and corresponds to about 6.5h per week! On the season, about 156h.
* From September to September rainfall an idea! And hence the constraints for our cultures and our bodies! I give you examples of two other years. You understand that the work and the requirements are different and that it will not just happen to go from one to the other! When I began to understand the drought and its requirements, that we are going in the other extreme.
September 2009 to August 2010, he fell on Peissonnel 1129mm of water with 316 in June / / on my terrace in the village in 1061
September 2008 to August 2009, he fell on Peissonnel 1096mm water with 9.5 in June / / on my terrace in the village in 1146
September 2005 to August 2006, he fell on Peissonnel 497mm water with 1 in June / / on my terrace in the village 475
* This season has been tough! One for 7 years has given many satisfactions: 2006. It started easily even if it was less than 2009. The drainage system has raised some fisheries, but also has a good annual shoot, which will start a beautiful 2011. That means there will be a bit more in the trash the next season if I get my treatments well and the gel is not too early. This season, I have not lit the candles in peach. The manufacturing plant was a success and help diversify the work Stephanie and take refuge in the shelter when it gets too cold or too wet! melon crops were difficult at first and second rotation. I chose the earliest variety, but have exploded! Perhaps too much water! Quality has not always been at the rendezvous. Melons in custody, call melons keep all those varieties that improve after harvest: Ball Gold, White Antibes, Canary, Olive Green, Turkish, etc. ... it is hard to put yourself for distribution a lot of the same age! You must learn the right time of tasting! Sometimes it must be consumed within days and you can wait another 10 or even 20 days!! The secret is good look and ask if this is the time to delight the taste buds. This is also why it appears to defaults on the quality of melons. When the squash on St. John, I remind you that I am 'guardian' of this variety. And it is imperative to continue to seed. I grow one type of squash, there are no crosses in my garden for squash. And suddenly I make you enjoy! The fig, Peissonnel, finally, those who survived (they are next to the peach and have suffered the same fate) welcomed me in their diversity. Two varieties seem very interesting for drying. Finally, part of my project seems to have some chance of success! I mean the use of multi greenhouse to dry fruit. Well there is not the quantity! the first apple crop of beautiful parcel of Peissonnel also offers hope to extend the distribution period. What great opportunities to give me courage! I was given this seventh season as a turning point for the life of my farm. I am happy, excited and so happy that my utopia seems to be true! Thank you from my heart for your support, your perseverance, your confidence. You come with me every day in this great task that is to harvest the food that the earth offers us.
* With the season ending, it's also new is coming. The work is to achieve less in a hurry, but we must be vigilant to still make it happen! For example: move a piece of electric fence because in the current situation, maintenance is difficult and I waste time! or now that I've finally been able to upgrade the well water supply, install the fence all around! All the stuff is there waiting! Or improve ditches so that water flows better. Or change the claws worn down to the frame, prune the trees along the roads and crops, etc ... and then I bought used a greenhouse, I have to disassemble before November 30 and back to Rondin . Therefore I prepare the place. Etc. ...
Then it is also the time when I can take a little time for myself! And that's really good!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pir Sensor Analog Circuit
first planting and first greenhouse
past two weeks, time rose even faster than usual. The days get shorter and no shortage of work. Between the transport of the first greenhouse, fertilizer and land preparation to welcome him, and reassembly (Family), we also had to take the time to test the status of our drilling (repeat ... ) and start our first plantings sleeping under a temporary shelter until the end of the assembly plants from our greenhouse.
past two weeks, time rose even faster than usual. The days get shorter and no shortage of work. Between the transport of the first greenhouse, fertilizer and land preparation to welcome him, and reassembly (Family), we also had to take the time to test the status of our drilling (repeat ... ) and start our first plantings sleeping under a temporary shelter until the end of the assembly plants from our greenhouse.
transporting poles
the greenhouse plants
reassembling the greenhouse plants
planting onions and leeks
Monday, October 18, 2010
Salon Prices And Services
SG and JC - Teaching team
14 volunteers BEPA Services for People alongside members of the Association of paralyzed de France
Under an extracurricular activity, 14 young BEPA Services for Persons LIM Moutiers en Cinglais, volunteered to help out in the Departmental Assembly of the Association of paralyzed France held at the hall Hermanville versatile sea
Young participated in the establishment of the buffet lunch and the setting of the canopy. They then welcomed members and members of the association and have served a welcome drink. Purposes of communication and support during the lunch, the youth helped members to choose their meal and then shared with them.
This day was held in a cordial atmosphere. Young came out happy, for some it was their first contact with the disability. As for members, they found this very interesting exchange and congratulated our youth for their participation. The LIM account to repeat the experience.
SG and JC - Teaching team
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Treatment For Gastris Erythematous
Farm to "consum'actor"
To constitute the AMAP in Hailsham, that is to say, the consumer group, we will have a second time to agree on a number of issues related to farmers, the contract duration, size baskets distributed each week, the place of distribution, the price of the basket ...
Young agronomists
Initially, we started from this ...
Suffice to say that the battle is not easy to win because we all know, the couch is one of the worst weeds that exist!
course, there is no question of using chemical herbicides to achieve our ends. It is necessary to use mechanical means. But do not do anything. Indeed, even pulling and cutting it into small pieces, cuttings are all ready to leave, if they find conditions favorable for growth. For example, a tool to chop and mix the couch to land, such as a rotavator, would only promote the proliferation of quack grass.
And here's the result ... before the rain
We will then horse manure that we will recover in a riding school near the farm, and we'll once again the cover-crop to spread manure on the soil layer where we grow vegetables . Finally, we will spend a final tool, the harrow, which will refine and smooth the ground just before performing our seedlings and plantations.
South West - October 7, 2010 6:00 | This is the second meeting attended on Tuesday the Haillanaises and Hailsham in response to an invitation from the City to learn about and discuss the principle of Associations for the maintenance of farming, around the network coordinator Amap Gironde, Gaëlle BERTONECHE. | In the context of the past gardener (and still present) in the county, as well as growing challenges of the origin and quality of food, the people met to find a system that allows the development of relationships between consumers and producers. |
For those wishing to participate in the establishment of the AMAP project Hailsham and support of these young farmers, contact Annabel Albrecht (05 57 93 12 02 and annabel.albrech @ or find Fanny and Adrien on their blog (blogspot adrienetfanny.. com)
| Before you can start our seedlings and plantations, we must first win a battle, transforming grasslands infested with couch grass and reeds, in less hostile land, loans welcome to our vegetables.
Suffice to say that the battle is not easy to win because we all know, the couch is one of the worst weeds that exist!
course, there is no question of using chemical herbicides to achieve our ends. It is necessary to use mechanical means. But do not do anything. Indeed, even pulling and cutting it into small pieces, cuttings are all ready to leave, if they find conditions favorable for growth. For example, a tool to chop and mix the couch to land, such as a rotavator, would only promote the proliferation of quack grass.
We therefore sought a way to use up the couch. We started by passing a cover-crop (or stubble), a tool consisting of two series of vertical discs scalpent soil surface, two different angles. This can cut strips of land and the brew, without making too many small pieces.
We then spent a cultivator (or harrow Canadian), a tool consisting of numerous teeth mounted on springs to go up wheatgrass soil surface, break up clods, to split a few rhizomes and dry in the sun all through the Indian summer we had.
We now hope to have sufficiently exhausted the couch (and the rod on the wetter plots) and we'll bury all this dead grass, plowing with a plow.
We will then horse manure that we will recover in a riding school near the farm, and we'll once again the cover-crop to spread manure on the soil layer where we grow vegetables . Finally, we will spend a final tool, the harrow, which will refine and smooth the ground just before performing our seedlings and plantations.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Beat Her Bare Buttocks
François ANDRE - Career Advice
"Boost your Career
Family House Rural Bagotière to Moutiers in Cinglais just welcomed his second promotion in BTSA Services in Rural Areas .
Within this first week, Mr. Francis ANDRE Cabinet Career Advice, intervened to boost young people looking for professional contracts.
The intervention was highly appreciated by young and trainers present.
Everyone understood that to succeed in finding a professional contract, it is necessary to comply with a number of steps: • Define
precise professional project
• Implement a network of personal and professional relationships
• treat his telephone call to get an interview
• "Do not sow the CV at any wind "
• Prepare maintenance to be convincing from the first moments of the meeting • Know
thanks for the nudges
A young managed to get a first interview the day after surgery.
The BTSA Services in Rural Areas can acquire skills in facilitation, management, design and project management.
He prepares for employment in various industries: personal services, business services, local communities and tourism.
Francis ANDRE - Career Advice
2 rue Jean Perrin - 14460 COLOMBELLES (CAEN)
Mobile: 06 28 26 October 1998
Fixed: 02 31 46 22 65
François ANDRE - Career Advice
"Boost your Career
Family House Rural Bagotière to Moutiers in Cinglais just welcomed his second promotion in BTSA Services in Rural Areas .
Within this first week, Mr. Francis ANDRE Cabinet Career Advice, intervened to boost young people looking for professional contracts.
The intervention was highly appreciated by young and trainers present.
Everyone understood that to succeed in finding a professional contract, it is necessary to comply with a number of steps: • Define
precise professional project
• Implement a network of personal and professional relationships
• treat his telephone call to get an interview
• "Do not sow the CV at any wind "
• Prepare maintenance to be convincing from the first moments of the meeting • Know
thanks for the nudges
A young managed to get a first interview the day after surgery.
The BTSA Services in Rural Areas can acquire skills in facilitation, management, design and project management.
He prepares for employment in various industries: personal services, business services, local communities and tourism.
Francis ANDRE - Career Advice
2 rue Jean Perrin - 14460 COLOMBELLES (CAEN)
Mobile: 06 28 26 October 1998
Fixed: 02 31 46 22 65
Editors: SH
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Headstones For Graves Sold In Ontario
Dismantling tunnels - part 2: Dismantling the structure
For now, we have completely dismantled a greenhouse, plastic and defeated the son of another greenhouse iron, and defeated the other half of a plastic greenhouse, more irrigation on all greenhouses.
Unfortunately, we have several projects to be undertaken at the same time: we have completed our installation folder for the second half of October, but also prepare the ground to begin to cultivate and manage some small surprises (often problems tractor).
And now, the first greenhouse is completely dismantled. Thank you to Daniel for helping hand.
For now, we have completely dismantled a greenhouse, plastic and defeated the son of another greenhouse iron, and defeated the other half of a plastic greenhouse, more irrigation on all greenhouses.
We still have to dig up the last half of the plastic greenhouse without opening, cut the plastic of 2 greenhouses with sashes, wrapping and undo the son of Iron 3 greenhouses, dismantle the structure of 4 greenhouses, ... and reassemble everything here!
But why do we advance so slowly?
Unfortunately, we have several projects to be undertaken at the same time: we have completed our installation folder for the second half of October, but also prepare the ground to begin to cultivate and manage some small surprises (often problems tractor).
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