Saturday, December 25, 2010

Indian Channel Satellite Frequencies

November and December in the cold

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Obiekt Fotografowany W Różnych Porach Dnia

s it, we are young farmers!

Our case is passed to committee (CDOA) Tuesday, December 14 and has been validated. So we can officially start working!

But do not believe that the obstacle course is finished! We must now return to the timing of the various committees and budgets. We also had a narrow escape, because we almost have to wait until March or April before you can unlock our loans ... for vegetables in April! a history of crazy!

Indeed, the young farmers are subsidized loans by the state and are far more stringent than conventional loans. Records of funding must go through the Departmental Territories and the Sea and it takes at least one month from the moment you made the request to release the funds. Except that we had not warned that the deadline for returning the loan package in 2010 was 15 December and that after this date, it was not until the quota setting and envelopes, 2011, ... scheduled between approximately January and March!

Finally, by dint of Loved son from each other, we have an extra week to prepare the file. So we just pushed our bankers and we spent four hours Friday to complete and sign the papers! We cross our fingers that nothing is missing and that our password file!

meantime, we started creating our society (EARL Garden Berlincan). We wrote the articles, we have registered with taxes, we opened a bank account and we placed an advertisement in a newspaper legal notices. The goal is to file the paperwork for registration society at the Center for Business Formalities (CFE) in the middle of next week (before going on holiday).

We still continue writing and sign the lease, provide a whole bunch of papers, fill out some forms ... than joy!

We must also complete files for grant applications to pass on the next commission award. These are grants to be very specific, and until we have had no response on the amount awarded, we can not resolve investments, or even order the hardware for which we ask assistance. We're stuck!

All administrative work really asking a lot of time and energy, we can not devote to fieldwork.

We still managed to put together a production greenhouse, under which we hope to sow and plant-soon-carrots, turnips and a small part of the leeks.

We also planted in plates of salads and chard will follow soon.

the next few days we will put pictures of recent weeks. Happy holidays to those who and good luck for others.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Success Results On Ervamatin Hair Oil

Students Services in Rural Areas BTSA
Forum Trades In
organized by the Chamber of Social Economy and Solidarity (CRESS)

This Wednesday, December 8, 2010, students in BTSA Services Area of the Rural Family House of Bagotière have taken the stand of the Regional Union of MFR, the career forum.
This experience has enabled young people to practice their skills in the field of communication: Preparatory Meeting with the CR ESS, writing a report, preparing the hardware and installing the stand, reception and information from public and closed with a balance sheet.

Students took advantage of this opportunity to establish contacts with professionals in the social economy: career, information gathering for projects, etc. .. The

structures of the social economy are potential employers of young people trained under the BTSA services in rural areas.

experience is to be renewed next year.
HS and PB

Speaker Laser Schematics

Citizenship in 4th grade

Students in fourth LIM castle Bagotière were received at the City Hall of Moutiers in Cinglais by Mr. award, the Mayor of the town, this Thursday, December 9, 2010.

As part of civics and Green Meadow contest, organized by the MSA (MSA), students of the fourth working on the concepts of citizenship and volunteering .

Mr. Tenca responded to questions prepared by students on the role of the Mayor and City Council, plans to promote the common life of the villagers on the importance of voting, etc. ..

Mr. Tenca also informed the students the importance of the census from 16 years. This procedure is obligatory for paperwork including the passage of a driving license, presentation at the baccalaureate, etc. ..

Students were very honored to be received by the Mayor and have really enjoyed this game.

Monday, December 6, 2010

College Reunion Songs


Graduation at the family home in La

very hivervale On this day, it's party at bagotière. 77 youth and adults came to graduate during a ceremony chaired by Mrs VINCLET, director of the nursing home to orchids and Mr Cagny DZIRUA, director of schools Our Lady of Thury Harcourt.

is in a festive atmosphere, and in the presence of their parents, tutors and trainers, young people have been honored to crown this success. The course of the ceremony was both solemn and warm.

Graduates have taken an important step in their training. Some have received the national certificate, others CAPA services in rural areas. Was also awarded the BEPA Secretarial home or personal services. For others, it was the baccalaureate professional secretarial accounting, or even the assistant BTS Management SME.

After congratulating the young, Mr Francois, President of LIM Bagotière and Ms. Valerie Davignon, Director, encouraged them to go further in their careers, to continue their education, adding: "The important thing is have a project and be motivated. "

"The diploma is an important step. It can go further because, at school as in life, we must constantly adapt, learning to progress. The services sector is booming. Your skills, experience gained in alternation, will facilitate your employability, because we need young, skilled and qualified, "Ms. VINCLET.

In June 2010, 75% of candidates presented to a review were graduates. They are more likely to continue their training after a first step to success. So after BEPA, nearly 70% fall in first class to prepare for a baccalaureate degree. These excellent rates Success is not the only ones, as these young people are now more than 90% had an activity (employment or training).

These figures alone demonstrate the merits of alternate training which not only allows each youth to train, qualify, obtain a diploma but also fit into the workplace through to experience.

A rural family home, all means are implemented, both in the teaching team as equipment for every young person succeed in the path he has chosen.