Since birth, we learn patience. In the last letter I announced peaches, tomatoes and melons! And here they are making the most appearances shy. Do not worry, they arrive. Tomatoes and melons in quantity (well it seems) peaches rescued from freezing, but I can add aphids.
Misery misery! The aphids, small animal black, green, gray, migrant or not, who loves what I grow! Especially peach and apple trees. He told us they mean excess Nitrogen .... and it suits me well to know if I do not know what to do! Still, they keep me awake (so to speak) from a certain time. Despite my attempts, which have given success on apples, the buggers do not decide to migrate, or die in any case to let live my peaches, then some of my peaches. You may say "so what? "And Ben and then they are so greedy (first it was the blacks who migrated, now that the greens are migrating ever) they impede the development of leaves and buds and leaves as is that nourish the fruits ..... fruits do not grow not. So far it suits me not at all.
means that I used:
1) treatments with calcined clay, which covers all of a white film, which is a mineral barrier, thus not affecting the auxiliary.
2) local treatment (there are only where aphids = treatment knapsack sprayer) at biophytoz (organic insecticide rotenone Vidauban made by home euphytor) that kills all lice and auxiliaries. I practice this treatment as a last places in desperation to save ....
and 3) treatment prev b2, bio-organic fertilizer loaded with boron, one of whose components terpene is orange which has an action plant on soft-bodied insects, but if dosed too can cause burns on the leaves (phytotoxicity) and is the coup de grace, and finally for the wallets in all cases (24 € HT / l and 5l requires more per hectare = 50 to 80 € per treatment for our sins). Oh, it smells really good! It should be noted that treatments against insects are as late as possible in the evening.
Well here is not won! Aphids Isabella finally its peach, take for example: they are resisting and I can tell you they do it well. The question is like the freezing, how far I go??
fortunately since the cessation of rains strawberries are so beautiful, large, and boooooonnes.
Thank you for this gift. A delight to the harvest with Stephanie, who is to reap the most beautiful. And this, I admit, sometimes it ends up in our mouths in wonderment.
You've probably noticed the typicality of each variety and vintage. Otherwise, ask me .... I'll tell you.
Wet weather played me the cure! Mr. mildew teased our first small harvest of grapes and vines in our juice! But also our friends of all colors as expected, I say, tomatoes. And then suddenly it was oëdium and then ..... so I did the best I could and obviously I'm disappointed can. Buddies "wine" have largely turbine in their vineyards. The treaty did very well, they were well-protected, with their systemic products (conveyed by the sap). Bio by cons are subject to leaching, even if they use a wetting terpene-based Pine, other uses for that matter. Once the vines have spots ..... and mine too ...... and of course some damage on clusters. But since it's a good year of office and on the vine juice I had no time of débourgeonner, we will harvest.
The melons are swollen and about to honor us.
Watermelons explode, at least not yet, but are everywhere ...... and I am stash at home 13 to 17h and makes you the letter. The heat is on and the pace has changed again. I try to be in my garden before dawn and sometimes I would stay even for a little shot in sleep. But think of the dodger, I'm going! It is so beautiful sunrise and the sun (except midges) in the gardens. Now I fear the coup de grace on tomatoes.
And with all this rain, there is not only crops and nature that have feasted, but all these plants growing right next to our crops. And since we do not attach their attentions, they willingly put themselves in their places. But I found them Fabrice painstakingly told to go into the highways, after the flower beds, where it briefly not threaten our crops, he wielded the pickaxe for 10 days and I would have liked more but the budget does not allow it. Now we must Magner pump and pipe, especially since our beloved culture have been well equipped by nature and they are not accustomed too! We must run the pumps valves, pumps reserves ! It is not easy! But you're right is not holiday !!!!!!
I remind you Restores The Day, Saturday, July 5.
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