Saturday, January 29, 2011

Soapy Taste Pregnancy

Quality approach in BTS Assistant Manager SME PMI

The BTS Assistant Gestion PME PMI to Meet the players in the area

interns BTS Assistant Management Small Medium Business of the Rural Family House of Bagotière visited on Tuesday 25 January 2011, the AD GENE laboratory located in Thury Harcourt.

The visit forms part of their course on the theme of Quality. The quality approach is in fact a module especially important in the formation of Manager Wizard.

In addition, LIM is keen to stay in constant touch with professionals to enhance its contributions to youth.

Ad gene is a laboratory for environmental testing, independent, specialized in safety. It is COFRAC in safety by microbiology and molecular biology.

The laboratory has just moved into brand new premises and more spacious.

Mrs Alison Hamelin, Director Finance and Administration, presented the group's corporate history and commitment to quality. The students then visited the new premises.

This visit was very rewarding for the group. On the one hand, young people have discovered how a laboratory and other First, they better understood the stakes of the quality approach for a company. Finally, this visit strengthens ties between the LIM to its territory.

Writing: CVD - HS

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Maxine Greetings

Young on the screen , parents on edge! "

Young-screen, step parents! "

C e Thursday, January 20, 2011, The Student Services BTSA in Rural Areas of the Rural Family House Bagotière were rewarded by the MSA (MSA) for their project "Youth at the screen, step parents! .

The MSA Normandy coast, represented by its president, Madame Quesnel , honored the winners of the three LIM 2010 call for projects, including Bagotière.

Many elected officials attended, including the MSA Rémy Guilleux (MSA national UNAF) and Ms. Béchade correspondent MSA who supported the youth in their projects, members of the Board Directors and team Teaching LIM.

Indeed, as part of their training, students have performed an action in which parents and youth were involved, about an important topic in everyday life and often confrontational.

This was the theme of prevention of risks related to new media.

studies qualitative and quantitative comparisons were conducted on the uses of the 200 youth in the LIM domain of mobile phones, television, Internet and video games and the perception of their parents.

A debate between parents and students helped everyone to reflect and better understand the expectations of the other part of the General Assembly.

For 2011, students BTSA SER participate in three new projects:

A study on alcohol and young people, carrying a poster for the event FIESTA BUSH organized by the Regional Rural Families Federation June 18, 2011 at Evrecy and implementation up an entertainment program in the computer field for the town of Mesnil Patry in the Bessin.

Editors: SH

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Female Garroting Female

No letter in November 2010 letter

And after the 52nd?

beginning of each week, I print my roadmap of the week! She is a virgin with boxes: temperatures, amendments, salaries, hours employed, etc. ..... and on top of course the date, number! and there it ends well by reaching the 52. Fifty second week of 2010! I do not like it at all and still can not rejoice, 1. And yet this one is the beginning, everything has to recreate everything surprises, everything is possible! Well, no, I want it to stop just about 50 or even 46! history to run at large, to drift, let go ..... but not what happens 52, tirelessly! Before I even knew, finally I had not realized that there were 52 weeks in a year! I saw that changed my age! But to count weeks .... it freaks me out the drone. Fortunately, with this 52, I can measure and quantify the work that is second to none! Yes it is good
How you live, this 52nd You? oh there is not yet! So maybe my fairy will retain a bit. For now, I have a cold, it's time to shit and I'm planting strawberries!

Still Strawberries! But hey there's all these special! another invention of the modern world. Seedling plants purchased and prepared by the cold for the flowers rise to be greater (as all other plants that I buy elsewhere! Is cold, like give them a little bit of freezing!) but this is reduced to 4 months of culture in the flowerbeds. That means a good weeding / cleaning and less. But good in my conditions, I do not know if we win too. Then I do a test. It's called mini tray plants!! and then with this burst, this time and all I can tell you my point even not like a turtle, but square like a snail (it is well known that A is much slower than the A! No?) but hey, at least I savouououre.

Apart from that, I'm super happy. I have not spent more than I expected. I made the planned investments. I just received from cuts in the msa 2206 € to overcome the consequences of flooding, I just find stuff opportunities that will help me my sentence, I'm going on holiday on Tuesday for a week! so anyway, it could happen this 52nd! I will not let me.
And then Wednesday night, my management group (2 or 3 of each amapiens my amap) met to analyze the 2010 season and give guidance for 2011! oh that's for words! In fact, a strip at the top super amapiens met with me about a soup, pork, cakes and red wine, to discuss the case. And the reality is that each tells its sauce, of course on all the figures I gave, as ideas emerge, as they say it like it is right and wrong and in the end we decide how we will try to do it for 1 to 52nd 2011.
results: *
the contract price does not move and remains at € 550
* is on the number of contracts that will fall upon the turnover needed to move to the next season with confidence, with a maximum of 112 as in 2009 *
signing contracts begins in February and everyone same time (old and new) I would remind you that check cashing is done every two months, from February to December, to allow me to have the cash in February and April, months when expenses are more important
* com will be made in your amap in this sense that the signature does not drag on four months. This season, we will not run with the old for them to finally decided in May to renew their contract. If financial difficulties are the reasons for delays, tell you! *
money coming from government is a reserve for work directly related to flooding
At this meeting, the president of colibris83, but yes our Michel Berthelot has specifically asked the treasurer of colibris83 no less adored Roger Dutruc-Rosset to the € 500 check that I've been to repair the flood. I thank you and with the 500 € notes received Flayosquet amap of the costs incurred on the plot apple trees are covered. With under the MSA, we can deal calmly in the second plot completely devastated. THANK

...... and then last Friday, with a strong team, we covered the greenhouse that I bought secondhand (we had dismantled, transported and reassembled each time with teams highly specialized) for the first rotation of tomatoes.

is a great moment. It's a greenhouse that is designed to make a big vent on the sides. But the blow is more buried the plastic that holds it all, since it is not buried, but determined on a rod which itself is fixed on the poles.

Therefore mooring poles. And therefore to ask the plastic is not the same story. In theory, I knew it! For the practice I was very anxious. But hey, the team was on top and even better time! Sunshine and heat that we just laid the plastic on the hoops!

oh it's still a lap of 38m x 10.5 m! one puts the world at the table! And we were only 6. Then moments like that, I can tell you it was worth a good drink that was quick taste.

And if, in the gardens, I'm late. With all the rain whenever it starts to go, I started very late and there are things I did not. It's true that the paperwork is substantial. I frame all for the 2011 season. It is in the estimation of working hours at the controls of seeds through the verification of insurance contracts. There are things that go it alone, others less. And then, there is what I would do, how to do it and suddenly priorities. Because we must not dream too much anyway. It's still not even being peasant amap that can explode on the rise and the investment! No it's rikiki after another! Is patience and humility, but also the acceptance of uncertainty, the stubborn will. And then, gradually, it takes shape! But the reality of which I am very proud in this concept is what happened around the flooding, this human connection is so powerful, it is my firm that exists and grows with the will of all and each c is that since 2009, my pay is up to my needs and it is still the second season and this season I have not encroached on it to finish the year. To me this is really a great hope in our daily lives, our future. Opposite it, the precariousness of the facilities and stuff, patience and humility is not much ...... and then the consciousness of the good fortune to live what appears to me, you will be there with you as it may be, the consciousness of the strength of our Mother Earth and what it conveys, the consciousness that each of us, that every plant, every insect, is a part of this whole and that my part of this brand is so important as each of your units.

yesterday we planted 12 poles in 1 / 2 hour (for the new line

in 2008, he had to organize a project, raise children, etc. ....
to put 50 pegs .. manners were not the same

I wish everyone that your sentence was formed in 2011!!

I wish you from my heart to see what a first week of 2011 with happiness, joy, peace and recognition and all those that follow will give you that little something that makes such great things.
Thank you all thank you to everyone for daring that other possible