Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Maxine Greetings

Young on the screen , parents on edge! "

Young-screen, step parents! "

C e Thursday, January 20, 2011, The Student Services BTSA in Rural Areas of the Rural Family House Bagotière were rewarded by the MSA (MSA) for their project "Youth at the screen, step parents! .

The MSA Normandy coast, represented by its president, Madame Quesnel , honored the winners of the three LIM 2010 call for projects, including Bagotière.

Many elected officials attended, including the MSA Rémy Guilleux (MSA national UNAF) and Ms. Béchade correspondent MSA who supported the youth in their projects, members of the Board Directors and team Teaching LIM.

Indeed, as part of their training, students have performed an action in which parents and youth were involved, about an important topic in everyday life and often confrontational.

This was the theme of prevention of risks related to new media.

studies qualitative and quantitative comparisons were conducted on the uses of the 200 youth in the LIM domain of mobile phones, television, Internet and video games and the perception of their parents.

A debate between parents and students helped everyone to reflect and better understand the expectations of the other part of the General Assembly.

For 2011, students BTSA SER participate in three new projects:

A study on alcohol and young people, carrying a poster for the event FIESTA BUSH organized by the Regional Rural Families Federation June 18, 2011 at Evrecy and implementation up an entertainment program in the computer field for the town of Mesnil Patry in the Bessin.

Editors: SH


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