Saturday, February 5, 2011

Eyelash Extensions Jylland

News from the field in early 2011 under the snow

late December, the family of Adrian (Philip, Arlene and Anaïs) fell from Mayenne to help dismantle the last emissions. Anthony, another vegetable that is being installed, and Gregory and Gilles also came to lend us a hand.

In January, we began to cultivate our first greenhouse, with the planting of carrots and turnips and planting leeks of spring. In the field, we planted the first salads. The remaining plants continues to grow in the greenhouse farming.

Outside, we have a big problem with rabbits that eat the past few weeks the first leaves of the garlic that we planted. Next week, we bring a master browser, which will remove the rabbits from their many burrows, using their ferrets.

This week, we did achieve our two boreholes which will allow us to water our vegetables. The administrative path has again been long in order to obtain the necessary permits.


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