Thursday, October 23, 2008

Putting Alcohol In A Camelbak

painting of St. Maurice Navacelles

When WEEK BLUE, organized by LINC Agreement and the District of Lodeve Caylar, Aratousages leads a workshop introduction to painting in the charming village of Saint Maurice Navacelles.

Thirty people were registered to attend this workshop. I confess
have been relieved when only a dozen have landed buses from Lodeve (mentor 30 people to learn to paint is not an easy task!).

Another great session full of meetings, discoveries and surprises. Participants were able to enjoy through a new approach * the plastic support and ownership of the painting, each in its own way .

Second success, after the success of the first painting workshop led by Aratousages Township. This first workshop was held last June in PĂ©gairolles Escalette the county during the tour "Ageing Well in the HĂ©rault "organized by the General Council in connection with the LINC Agreement.

is certainly the beginning of a beautiful adventure!

Malena Merlo
Moderator and artist

* new to the participants themselves ...

Thanks again to the team LINC Agreement, always lively and friendly.


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